
Name of the product or service

Embedded Lending

Votes: 121

Product or service description

As lending experts, we empower small businesses with real-time, easy, and transparent online financing. We offer platforms the possibility to integrate our growth capital solution seamlessly into their ecosystem to support the progress of their business customers.

Distinction from the competition

We established a new gold standard for business lending:

Credit decisioning in real time based on relevant revenues (not historic financial statements)

Payout immediately

No Paperwork

authentic and super friendly customer service

no collateral required

Product or service innovations

Our embedded lending solution to platforms helped us gain access to 1M merchants in Germany alone. With our technology, digital platforms are now able to provide fast, easy, and uncomplicated loans to sellers for up to €100,000, without any collateral.

Customer case study

"Banxware's process is extremly simple and quick to set up. It suits young startups because itis easy to understand and transparent. Classic bank loans and purchase financing are difficult for us because we are still too young to present more than one annual financial statement. Banxware'S fast financing, with zero complications, helped us initiate our new product launch much faster." Jennifer Schäfer, Founder Unmilk

Positive feedback & testimonials

“Banxware's uncomplicated financing solution fits the needs of our restaurant partners perfectly. The industry is currently facing many challenges and we are pleased to be able to support restaurateurs as a strong partner together with Banxware. For several months, restaurant partners have been able to apply for fast and flexible loans via our web shop in just a few steps to further expand their business.” Katharina Hauke, General Manager Lieferando 

“Banxware’s service is a valuable addition to our own portfolio of financing solutions. With the fast and straightforward processing, our customers are provided with quick financing assistance and liquidity. With this easy access to capital we are not only able to support our clients in the short term, but also enable the growth of their businesses.” Jens Wohlfahrt, Head of FYRST


Banxware GmbH

EGA contest categories

Best Sales & Growth Solution

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Best Communication & Engagement Solution

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Best Customers Experience Solution

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Best Global Expansion Solution

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Best Logistics and Shipments Solution

In the "Logistics and Shipments Solution" category, we honor innovative solutions that revolve around the complex world ... (more)

Best Fulfillment and Optimization Solution

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Best Platform & ERP

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Best Payment Solution

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Best Analytics & BI Solution

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Best Agency Showcase

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Best Omnichannel & Integration Solution

In the "Omnichannel & Integration Solution" category, we celebrate the e-commerce solutions that seamlessly connect the ... (more)

Best Tech Evolution & Innovation

In the 'Evolution & Innovation' category, we celebrate visionary tech solutions that not only redefine the digital comme... (more)

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E-commerce Germany Awards 2025

Networking Party & Awards Ceremony

  • 19th February 2025

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Aleksandra Dalemba Event Manager
  • 19th February 2025

    Event date