
Name of the product or service

Pickware WMS

Votes: 29

Product or service description

Pickware WMS automates warehouse and shipping processes. Mobile barcode scanners, replace the need to deal with a list management on paper or manual transfer of data. Digital process management ensures efficiency and minimizes the error rate. Picking becomes a piece of cake, as orders are simply processed using digital pick lists. Orders can be prioritized and filtered, as well as picked individually or simultaneously. Shipping labels are printed automatically so that the packages reach the customer as quickly as possible. Thanks to barcode-based process management, information on incoming goods, returns and inventory are always transparent and efficient.

Distinction from the competition

With Pickware WMS and the mobile barcode scanners, packages are packed error-free and ready for shipment as fast as possible. Countless manual operations and sources of error are eliminated thanks to the digitalization of processes and intuitive handling. From stocking reordered merchandise to picking sold items: Automation can be found in every step. In combination with Pickware ERP, online retailers always maintain the overview of its the inventories and thanks to efficient processes are able to concentrate on their core business. Pickware thus remains true to its motto “E-commerce made easy” and offers the retailer a unique and simple solution for picking, packing and shipping parcels.

Product or service innovations

Pickware is also available for the Shopify store system since September. Before that Pickware was only available for Shopware and the integrated onlineshop.

Positive feedback & testimonials

"Bis zu 60 % Zeitersparnis beim Kommissionieren dank Pickware WMS." Teddy Edenhofner, Director E-Commerce B2C bei Alpha Industries

„Seit dem Umstieg auf Pickware gelingt eine viel schnellere Abwicklung der Kundenbestellungen. Die chaotische Lagerhaltung funktioniert einwandfrei und macht einfach Spaß. Die automatische Erstellung der Rechnungen, Lieferscheine, Rückstandsmeldungen und Statusmails für den Kunden funktioniert ohne Probleme – was will man mehr?“ Nicole Thomas, stellvertretende Geschäftsführerin von Campingshop-24

"Weniger händisches Abgleichen, bessere Laufwege und weniger Bearbeitungszeit für Retouren – Die Zeitersparnis, die durch Pickware entstanden ist, liegt bei rund 30 %. Die mobilen Scanner spielen dabei die größte Rolle für uns, da sie an fast jeder Stelle zum Einsatz kommen." Frank Jansen, Geschäftsführer Classic Cycle



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