Speed Kit

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Speed Kit

Votes: 56

Produkt- oder Servicebeschreibung

We are Baqend - we bring performance research to practice. Baqend develops Speed Kit, a SaaS plugin solution to accelerate e-commerce websites by more than 50% within 2 days. Baqend is a research spin-off from the University of Hamburg on the mission of building a web without loading times. The founders pioneered a novel approach to speed up the delivery of dynamic data. Speed Kit bundles years of this research in a plugin for large-scale e-commerce and brand websites, that is easily implemented by just a line of JavaScript code. Today, some of the leading European e-commerce players like Decathlon, Galeria, and BMW already rely on Speed Kit to improve their conversion rates, user experience, and SEO ranking. Since the product’s speed uplift is cleanly proven by statistically sound A/B-tests, Baqend is one of the fastest-growing SaaS companies in Germany.

Product features + business benefits in a nutshell:

  • Speed Kit is minimally invasive and can be installed and configured within a few days.
  • Speed Kit will accelerate 3rd parties, optimize images on the fly and use our novel caching algorithms to serve HTML pages faster to deliver the results
  • 50 - 300% faster page loads
  • Compatible with every shop system
  • Empirical proof through A/B-test
  • GDPR-compliant by default
  • Increase Customer Experience, Improve SEO Rank, Lower Bounce Rate, Boost Conversion Rate.
Unterscheidung von der Konkurrenz

There is no comparable performance tool on the market so far. We do not see ourselves in direct competition with existing performance tools, as the performance uplift achieved by Speed Kit is always generated on top of the customers current infrastructure. Speed Kit is often compared to content delivery networks (CDNs), which explicitly offer a different approach. In comparison to those, Speed Kit offers the following advantages: Classical optimization methods are very complex, take a long time and are not isolatable or measurable in terms of their output. Speed Kit is installed and effective after 2 days and live and efficient after 4 days. It provides acceleration of personalized and dynamic content, consistent client caching with automatic cache coherence, 3rd party acceleration (elimination of network handshakes & caching, e.g. tag manager, tracking), optimization of the rendering path and automatic image optimization. Our solution is infrastructure-independent and can be implemented on any existing legacy system.

Produkt- oder Dienstleistungsinnovationen

Predictive Preloads: The system uses monitoring data and machine learning to predict page views, preload them, and thus significantly improve performance

Change Detection: The approach crowds-sourced the task of identifying cached data that needs to be updated. This generic solution saves the development of complex dependency detection and cache management systems on the customer side.

Automatic Precaching: Ensures that resources that will later be needed by the browser are already in the device cache to significantly speed up the display of subsequent pages.

Cache Explorer: Gives Speed Kit customers the ability to browse and manage cached resources.

Offline Mode: Ensures that web pages are still available when the user has no Internet connection or the website operator's server is down. The use of the page in this mode may be limited.

Case Study

"Speed Kit has proven to be a great success improving the shopping experience for our customers. In an elaborate project we have measured the impact of page speed improvements on business KPIs and have seen significant uplift in funnel progression metrics, conversion rate and revenue." Maike Wöhler (Teamlead Digital Product Management) - s.Oliver Group

  • 3.4% Uplift in Add-To-Cart Rate
  • 2.8% Uplift in Conversion Rate
  • 5.9% Uplift in Revenue


Positive feedback & testimonials

Decathlon Germany: "The Baqend team has done an amazing job with Speed Kit and not only accelerated our site by 2.5x, but also been a reliable partner during the result analysis. There is no doubt about the great ROI. They have become a strategic part in our online growth plans."

  • Florian Bischoff (Director E-Commerce)

Galeria: "Speed Kit has delivered a clearly noticeable performance increase for our online shop. The E-Commerce business is an essential growth market for Galeria with high strategic importance. With Speed Kit, the whole topic around performance is taken care of and thus it is one less thing to worry about for us."

  • Lars Mehler (VP Platform Management)

Snipes Group: "With Speed Kit, we are able to satisfy the increasing performance requirements of our customers across all devices. This is especially true for mobile devices, which are the focus of the mobile Gen-Z target group. Speed Kit has delivered on its promise to reliably achieve best-in-class performance!"

  • Jeanine Schneider (Head of Digital)

Carhartt WIP: "The great thing about Speed Kit is its scalability and fast implementation. We were able to go live within a matter of days and could implement it across our three biggest markets, Germany, France, and the UK, at the same time. The results are impressive, and by now Speed Kit is live on all our major country sites."

  • Marc Lohausen (Head of Ecommerce)





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