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MQ Fit

Votes: 272

Produkt- oder Servicebeschreibung

When shopping online for advice-intensive products, customers drop off the buying process, because they don’t know which bike frame size is the right one for them, they are frustrated to ship back a mattress that didn’t fit the body well. The lack of real-time customer assistance leads to issues on the seller's side as well. Brands struggle with online conversion rates, immense returns and its associated costs, while the environmental footprint increases. This is where MQ Fit helps. MQ Fit is a product recommendation technology designed to solve size and fit-related issues of Motesque's e-commerce and retail partners’ as well as their customers’ problems. Implemented as an easy-to-use widget to online and physical stores, the MQ Fit tool uses 2 photos of the customer and some basic information like height or weight to create an avatar. While customers are shopping from the comfort of their home, their digital twins virtually test the products from the store's database. Results with the best matching products for the customer's dimensions and preferences are presented in a few seconds. This way, accurate results and a highly personalized shopping experience is delivered turning many shoppers into loyal customers.

Unterscheidung von der Konkurrenz

The MQ Fit technology is solving the wrong product size or fit-related problems of e-commerce and retail brands and their customers. To be precise, it enables brands to offer a perfect size and fit online and thus gain advantage amongst competitors, it helps them improve certain KPIs, such as long time-to-purchase, high return rate, high operational efficiency & costs and the high environmental impact. For the end consumers, the MQ Fit tool ensures finding the right product online, prevents them from buying bad ergonomic fit of products, experience inconvenient return processes or overall dissatisfaction with buying advice-intensive products online. Due to this, loyalty towards the brand increases as well as the brand's business results. As the only solution amongst its competitors, the MQ Fit uses biomechanics and physics simulation to replicate the real-life usage of products to ensure the accuracy of resulting recommendations.

Produkt- oder Dienstleistungsinnovationen

Within the last 12 months, the use-case of MQ Fit solution was extended from mattresses and bikes to running shoes and apparel. Here are some of the implemented innovations:

  1. Development of a 3D avatar that is scaled to the individual body proportions of the customer based on two pictures
  2. Implementation of a self scaling cloud infrastructure with the purpose to make any interaction between a digital twin (3D avatar) and any product possible
  3. Development of a CNC machine to digitize a mattress’s stiffness profile
  4. Development of a methodology to simulate the interaction between the 3D avatar and any kind of mattress with known stiffness profile
  5. Development of the first and only cloud based virtual bike sizing/fitting tool that uses a 3D avatar and the unique geometries of any bicycle to simulate different scenarios of the customer riding a bike and making a statistically optimized recommendation
  6. Development of a science based online shoe recommender based on individual body proportions obtained from the 3D avatar and a questionnaire asking for the runner’s habits, training status, etc
  7. Extension of mattress recommendations to box spring beds and toppers
  8. Development of an online apparel size recommender using a combination of the 3D avatar and customer feedback
Positive feedback & testimonials

Testimonials from Motesque's e-commerce and retail partners could be found on the website:




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