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Produkt- oder Servicebeschreibung

Time to excite customers and optimize efficiencies with Europe’s most powerful logistics solution: Store, fulfill and ship across one network – united by one technology to grow beyond. This is everstox.

everstox is a Logistics-as-a-Service (LaaS) platform that provides access to modern eCom & B2B logistics for brands. Commerce brands work with us to design their ideal logistics solution in all target markets, while digitally managing and optimizing operational processes through one savvy software. By doing so, we empower independent brands with prime-speed delivery for a stronger customer experience, while saving time during operations no matter on what channel or where products are sold to.

Our goal is to provide ultimate access to first-class logistics for any brand selling products D2C and B2B. With this, we empower modern businesses to have a fighting chance against retail giants like Amazon. In other words: Our LaaS solution enables independent brands to stay independent, with a fully tailored logistics experience to excite customers all over the world.

Unterscheidung von der Konkurrenz

Instead of building costly fulfillment centers and new physical infrastructure, like many other digital fulfillers do, our LaaS platform follows an API-first approach. This means, we connect the dots to existing Tier 1 warehousing and shipping providers via our tech platform and provide ultimate access for merchants to a connected network. Put simply: We are the Flixbus of warehousing, fulfillment and shipping.

There are ten thousands of warehouses across Europe alone, operated by professional third-party providers forming the backbone of today’s eCommerce and moving millions of parcels every day. The smart and dedicated people behind this operational expertise have passed over their Know How and excellence by generation over generation. Our aim is to provide equal access for product selling businesses to these logistics heroes - without the burden of months-long provider search, IT integration and manual work once operations kick-off.

All it takes is one integration to our LaaS platform for high-performing brands to grow beyond our connected network. With our solution, successful brands excite customers globally, by delivering orders locally - all operations managed and tracked with one savvy software.

Produkt- oder Dienstleistungsinnovationen

We keep on improving our core offering and scaling our Logistics-as-a-Service platform - here's what we've been recently up to:

  • One digital platform to manage it all in real-time: Benefit from full visibility, automation, execution and intelligence for inbound and outbound logistics, last-mile shipping and returns.

  • Extending our integrated network to a total of 61 integrated fulfillment centers across 9 European countries including Germany, UK, Italy, France, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Poland and Czech Republic

  • Expanding our operational network with 8 connected US fulfillment centers to deliver customer orders faster across the US and Canada

  • Launching our new track and trace feature for the outbound tracking of over 950 shipping service providers (like DHL, UPS, Fedex) into the everstox platform to always know where a parcel is

  • Connecting to over 15+ shop systems (e.g. Shopify, Shopware), ERP systems (e.g. Oracle Netsuite, Weclapp) and Marketplaces (e.g. Amazon, CDiscount)

With increasing our network and further developing our everstox software, platform users can easily scale their product distribution with local fulfillment while digitally managing and tracking all key warehouse, inventory and shipping operations end-to-end with one unified technology.

This means for commerce brands along their scale journey: no matter where products are sold to (location), through what sales channel or to what target audience (D2C and B2B) - they stay in full control over all processes while saving time and overhead during daily operations.

Case Study

We have various case studies available that explain how our customers benefit from our Logistics as a Service (LaaS) solution by real-case scenarios and factual insights resulting from our most popular use cases:

  • Expanding across Europe with optimal Cash Flow Management for the Razor Group & Snocks with everstox and Agicap: https://everstox.com/case-studies/cash-flow-agicap/

  • Scaling B2B logistics for commerce rockstar & food brand Nucao (the nu company) with everstox and Sento: https://everstox.com/case-studies/case-study-sento/

  • Skyrocketing eCom logistics for fashion brand Tropicfeel with everstox and Xentral: https://everstox.com/case-studies/case-study-xentral/

Simply access them for free at: https://everstox.com/case-studies/

Positive feedback & testimonials

Here are some examples of what our customers say about everstox:

Amazon aggregator - The Razor Group:

  • “In our day-to-day operations, we work with a large number of logistics partners that we need to keep track of. With the help of everstox, we wanted to connect our ERP system and achieve transparency of all inventory levels in affiliated warehouses in real-time. Thanks to the everstox team and their tech expertise, we were able to do this 100 percent without any problems. And with everstox, we also benefit from the automation and standardization of all our logistics processes. This leads to time savings in the operational business in our main target markets such as Germany and the UK, among others,” says Dr. Oliver Dlugosch, Co-Founder and VP Operations of the Razor Group, explaining the decision for choosing everstox.
  • Read the full success story at: https://everstox.com/press-releases/razor-group-brexit/

Food brand - YFood:

  • "We see everstox as a very decisive lever to accelerate our European expansion and to be able to offer our customers the best possible service with the help of the uncomplicated, short-term connection of warehouses in the required target markets" says Felix Hellenberg, Head of Operations at YFood -Read the full success story at: https://everstox.com/press-releases/yfood/

Food brand - Greenforce:

  • “As a digital-first company, it was important to us to be able to control our rapid growth flexibly and scalably with the help of the everstox logistics tools. With everstox, we have a professional partner by our side who gives us access to best-in-class logistics. We benefit from systems that can be seamlessly integrated and can offer our customers the best possible service” explains Hannes-Benjamin Schmitz, Managing Director of GREENFORCE.
  • Read the full success story at: https://everstox.com/press-releases/greenforce/

We have much more success stories and testimonials available at: https://everstox.com/press-releases/



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